Monday, January 18, 2010

An Introduction: What is Global Warming

see all these wildlife going to extinct only because you don't aware of their life..
just something from you make their life whole different..

Now you know briefly about global warming
stay with us to find more about global warming..

What is Global Warming?

Global warming refer to an increasing on earth temperature by human activities. Human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) and the clearing of land contribute to global warming by enhancing Earth's natural greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect warms Earth's surface through a complex process involving sunlight, gases, and particles in the atmosphere. Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere are known as greenhouse gases. By using satellite scientist has identified that our earth have become hotter than before since the late of 1880's. Scientists afraid that human societies and natural ecosystems might not adapt to rapid climate changes

The person who significant to global warming issue is Al gore. Mr. Gore is the author of An Inconvenient Truth, a best-selling book on the threat of and solutions to global warming in US, and the subject of the movie of the same title, which has already become one of the top documentary films in history. Global warming can make catastrophic disaster for human.
It is not to late for us to change the future of our earth. But how can we help earth?


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